Deadly Darts


     Many of you have been asking about the new hunting darts I've been developing. I can tell you first hand they are the deadliest I've used to date. At least without poison that is. You'd think a deadly dart would be an easy product to build, but I've come to find out that's not the case. They may be easy to build, but it is very hard to make great ones that we can all afford!! However, I did just that, and I'm about to release them for purchase. I bet you'll love em. 

      Here's why! My new hunting darts have a longer thinner shaft for deep penetration. For example, if a 100 pound hog is broadside the dart will now reach both lungs. This I've found was always an issues with the bigger stuff. Like African game for instance. I could reach one lung, but two was tough. I had to loosen the cup, so it would pop off and the shaft would continue on through the animal. With the new darts, no longer will that be an issue for 200 pound animals or smaller. 
       Another huge plus now is my blades are wider and extremely sharp. Game animals 30 pounds or bigger require deadly shots with sharp points. My points are the sharpest I've used to date. So, now it's just up to the hunter to put them in the money spot. The biggest problem has been getting a blade that is sharp enough to hemorrhage game to death quickly. These are so sharp that while testing, I've notice the game I've killed are not reacting to the hit like most in the past. I generally use bait to lure animals into blowgun range, and lately I've had some hogs actually get shot, run a few yards then return to the bait only to fall over dead right back where they were shot. They had no clue the old Slock Master had plugged em in the gizzard!  
       With thinner high grade steel shafts, the new darts are also light enough for longer shots. The cones are longer as well. Aerodynamic, thus they travel like race cars and deliver at higher speeds. I've used this design on my fish darts and found they dive deeper with longer cones. So, I've added this technology to our razor darts. The red hog in the above photo is one of several I've tested the darts on. I dressed the pig and found that the razor tip actually stopped inside his heart. I shot him pretty much straight down below my tree stand. He's less than 40 pounds. With that angle, it probably wouldn't have done the job on a bigger pig.  When a bigger animal get straight under you, ya gotta let them pass far enough out that the dart can enter their side where you're able to reach the heart. I kill many animals from tree stands, but a ground level shot is much more effective. You have higher odds on their level for it presents a larger kill zone from the ground, and two lungs are always better than one. Use ground blinds whenever possible if you are baiting animals into blowgun range. 
      Well placed shots deliver quick kills every time. Even so, a poor shot with a 300 magnum rifle loses game and so it will be with a blowgun if you take bad shots. Because of the unique nature of the art we love, we are in the public's eye and a dart sticking out of a elephant's ass is going to create bad press for us all, so keep that in mind and don't be reckless. Be proficient before you go afield and start on small game before you hunt elephants. Ha!
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    I'm waiting for this 40 pounder to square up where the shoulder won't block my shot to the lungs.     
    So, before you use my razor darts understand that unlike a spear or big broadhead the dart needs to hit the heart or lungs to effectively take out big game animals in seconds. Not so with smaller stuff, but I'm talking bigger game. The same is true for all weapons. Patience and discipline rules when blowgunning big animals. When you watch my blowgun videos note the shot placement on big game is far different than rats. Notice the position of the animals I'm killing. Two things, they are always close and always positioned for a clear window to the heart and lungs. A deer, hog, fox or even impala are poised for lightning fast reactions at a shot. It's imperative to let your quarry work in close where the option of escape eludes them. I'd say ninety percent of the game I've killed were within 7 yards when blowgunning. I've had to discipline myself not to shoot until they are broadside for the shot. A rabbit is different, the trauma for the hit generally kills them or slows them down for a follow up shot, but big stuff are too tough for bad hits. Doves and squirrels die easy but big game animals, ya gotta double lung em or nail the heart!    
    Hope you found this article informative or at least interesting. If you decide to step up your game and blowgun your next big meal, "take my tips to heart" and Slock Em!
Tim Wells 
"Slock Master"
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